NeuroClima Consortium meets in LisbonNeuroClima gathered in Lisbon to build strategies to support climate adaptation

On May 23rd and 24th, the NeuroClima partners gathered in Lisbon, at NOVA University of Lisbon – Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, for a two-day meeting filled with fruitful and collaborative discussions to ensure the achievement of the project’s ambitious goals and objectives.

The event, hosted by Professor Maria José Roxo, delved into the multiple work packages by providing an overview of the work developed so far, as well as to clarify and align the next phases of the projects. In addition, several other related projects that may provide knowledge for the Consortium were presented by the partners. NeuroClima strongly believes that fostering collaboration with other projects developed by the partners is crucial to facilitate further advancement within the project and its associated activities, to explore opportunities for synergies and for improving dissemination among target audiences.

In a crucial moment of the project development, the meeting allowed to strengthen partnerships, as well as fortifying collaborations between work packages, tasks and deliverables, by facilitating agreements and open communication among partners.

Staying truth to our project’s essence of collaborative development and co-creation, the activities carried out aimed to ensure common goals, objectives, results and means of achievement. Within the different workshops, partners were invited to share their thoughts and suggestions in multiple areas of the project, such as the framework and educational toolkits, the technical development of the pilots, and  the use cases deployment, operation, validation, and assessment. In addition, fruitful debates were held on how to best exploit the available resources to fulfill the KPIs assigned to specific objectives.

NeuroClima is a Horizon Europe Project led by Professor Francesca Rizzo, of the Department of Design at Politecnico di Milano that aims to promote and support the EU’s Adaptation Strategy and Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change by raising citizen’s awareness about climate resilience strategies and building a nervous system that connects policymakers, public institutions and citizens through innovative tools that combine artificial intelligence (AI) and human capabilities.

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