Milano Digital Week – “Tech(&)Democracy”

The Milano Digital Week is a widespread and collective event on the city of Milan, Italy, that focuses on digital development and innovation dedicated to citizens, businesses and institutions. The 2024 edition will delve on Artificial Intelligence and the evolving relationship between technological and human languages.

Under this framework, NeuroClima and Orbis, both Horizon Europe projects, will organise a joint session on the topic of “Tech(&)Democracy”, on October 14th, 2024, from 3:30PM to 6:30PM (Rome Time). The event will be held in Italian.

Deliberative democracy is a field where technology is increasingly influential. It will consist of three thematic conversations with influential voices in the following chapters:

  • How can technology support “informed” decision-making and policy-making processes?
  • Citizens and awareness of technology in deliberation. Towards new digital literacy?
  • Technology-supported deliberative democracy, enhanced by AI, and then what?

The event builds upon preliminary insights from the Horizon Europe projects Orbis and NeuroClima, which experiment with new socio-technical models and solutions to promote a more deliberative and inclusive democracy. Specifically, each chapter will be inspired by Milanese pilot experiences.

Registrations are open!!

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