Joao Carlos Nunes

What is the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change?

Climate change represents one of the most significant threats to humanity, posing potentially catastrophic impacts on both people and the natural environment. Over the past three decades, climate policy has evolved into a significant policy domain, gaining substantial political importance, especially at the international level. In response, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change […]

What is the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change? Read More »

Meet the Partners #1 – Politecnico di Milano

The Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano is home to a multidisciplinary team of researchers which are working across diverse fields such as public management, digital transformation, healthcare, sustainability, communication design and data visualisation. The organisation excels in applied research and service design by addressing user needs, experience design and organisational change. Moreover,

Meet the Partners #1 – Politecnico di Milano Read More »

Tech(&)Democracy – Conversations at the crossroads of technology and democracy 

The current participatory democracy methods to engage citizens into policymaking are quite rudimental and most of them offer one-way only communication and fail to enable inclusive dialogue between citizens and institutions. Additionally, the deliberative spaces that are available today to co-create ideas and bridge these ideas to actions across diverse institutions and expertise are highly

Tech(&)Democracy – Conversations at the crossroads of technology and democracy  Read More »

Pact for the Future: “We will strengthen our actions to address climate change”

The Summit of the Future originated from a recommendation in the Our Common Agenda report, an initiative launched by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres for ideas on how better to respond to current and future challenges. Its aim is two-fold: accelerate efforts to meet our existing international commitments, and take concrete steps to respond to

Pact for the Future: “We will strengthen our actions to address climate change” Read More »

EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change to support European regions in building climate resilience 

Climate change is a multidimensional and transversal phenomenon. It is not just global warning, it directly affects many ecosystems and their biodiversity, by altering climatic variability and precipitation patterns, the intensity and duration of extreme weather events, and shifts in seasonality. In addition, the economic impact is also considerable across EU regions with income divergence

EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change to support European regions in building climate resilience  Read More »

NeuroClima gathered in Lisbon to build strategies to support climate adaptation

On May 23rd and 24th, the NeuroClima partners gathered in Lisbon, at NOVA University of Lisbon – Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, for a two-day meeting filled with fruitful and collaborative discussions to ensure the achievement of the project’s ambitious goals and objectives. The event, hosted by Professor Maria José Roxo, delved into the

NeuroClima gathered in Lisbon to build strategies to support climate adaptation Read More »

The research project NeuroClima will connect policymakers and citizens through AI-powered tools to facilitate the green transition

Will the European Union achieve the goal of becoming climate resilient by 2050? Are we ready for an Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change that is smart, swift and systemic enough? How could we design efficient, effective, initiatives and approaches that meaningfully include citizens in the shaping, proposition and application of climate-related policies?  NeuroClima, a project

The research project NeuroClima will connect policymakers and citizens through AI-powered tools to facilitate the green transition Read More »

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